Jesus, The Mary’s  The Holy Realm

The Importance of the spiritual connection to

Jesus, The Mary’s & The Holy Realm 

Join Spiritual & Emotional Consultant, Corrie Thorne in a series of four 90-min channeled teachings as she guides you to explore the importance of the spiritual connection to Jesus, the Mary's & the Holy Realm.

As a mystic and channel Corrie has a deep relationship with Jesus, The Mary’s, and many within the spirit realm. This masterclass is centered around spirituality which simply means living your best and truest life, blending the spirit and human, and discovering an unconditioned life. It’s not about having to keep up to standards and rules. It’s about the relationship with the soul self and being at peace with where you have been. Accepting others as they are and freeing the mind of having to live by a standard, finding pleasure and passion in all that we can, and accepting what we can’t change.

Corrie trusts in the guidance of where she is called to service and where the heart leads, and this she learnt from the greatest spiritual teachers of Jesus and the Mary’s.

This course is available as part of the Mystical and Magical Realms membership package.

Please read the following terms and conditions prior to registering:

By enrolling in Jesus, The Mary's, and the Holy Realm, I agree to and acknowledge the following terms and conditions:

  • I certify that I am 18 years of age or older.
  • I fully understand that Corrie Thorne-Cameron is not diagnosing any medical or psychological conditions, and understand that all decisions, actions, and outcomes are of my own free will
  • I understand that by enrolling in the Mystical and Magical Realms monthly membership that I will gain instant access to all 5 masterclasses: (1) The Magical Energy of the Elements and Dragons, (2) The Energy of the Fae & Faerie, (3) Jesus, the Mary's and the Holy Realm, (4) The Stars at the Bottom of the Sea, (5) The Winged Ones.
  • I will be billed $27.99 CAN at the time of purchase, and $27.99 each preceding month until I cancel my subscription. I may choose to cancel my membership at anytime.

** Must be signed in prior to adding a course to your dashboard. Once logged in scroll back to this page to enroll.

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 “I stopped trying to justify and explain my relationship with the Holy Realm and started to live with the lessons I learnt in the silence of walking, meditation, and awake/asleep dream states. I opened, healed, and purified my heart through the love of the spirit of such incredible beings and the illuminating light that I can’t deny the existence or deny my relationship with such powerful presences. I am alive and I exist as I am today because of the power of these beautiful ones being very much alive in my times of struggle, pain, prayers, and times when miracles are needed. Most of all in my moments of humility.

No, it’s not about a religion as a statue or status but about the faith, courage, determination, and commitment it has taken for me to travel the path all the way to the depth of my soul, to the cave, and to find my way out and through the light of something so powerful that I still live in awe just thinking about it. Nonjudgmental, without criticism, or a need to tell another they are wrong or right about their beliefs but an ability to see clearly that this realm teaches of the way to living divinely dignified, has been able to allow me to see we all have a savior within and that we can all live whole and complete. I have been taken away from so many other paths and directed to the way of the Mystic. An open mind, open heart, and the curiosity without the need to own or claim the treasures and wisdom as my own, but to share and allow the love and light of the vibrational energy of wonder and enthusiasm, to open others to discover the treasures and awe within themselves, and to live a life of faith and not FEAR is one of my biggest why’s! 

I invite you to discover for yourself the ways of the Mystical Realm that’s here as the ultimate teacher and guide, allowing us the space to free our minds and our hearts, and smile with the thought that getting to know this Realm truly makes the hearts of the angel’s sing!"

  – Corrie Thorne-Cameron

Corrie Thorne-Cameron

A Modern-day Mystic, Published Author, Inspirational Storyteller, Channel, Psychic Medium, Lightworker & Mentor, Spiritual Teacher/Coach, Consultant & Healer. 

Nice to meet you! I am the founder/creator of the More Than Existing™️ brand, books, and self-actualization coaching program. My ‘why’ to the work, is to share my stories and gifts in the hope that others may discover that they are so much more than the stories, fears, and insecurities. To become loyal to the longest relationship you will ever have, the relationship with you. As I often share with others, "If you could see what I can see you would never doubt you again!”

I am a woman with a passionate heart, blended in diversity and love, with a belief that the truest of you is waiting to be discovered when you take the journey inward to discover the divine within.

I may never be the right fit for the world, but I finally belong in my world, and I open my heart to invite in more love each and every day.

Much love, Corrie